Organized Legacy – Helping You Navigate Life’s Transitions

A hibiscus flower is an unusual symbol for a family legacy, but for me, it’s perfect. It represents the resilience my grandmother demonstrated while living in Pearl Harbor in 1941. In the only photo I have of her and my grandfather, she is wearing this flower in her hair. I discovered it years ago while cleaning out my parent’s home after my father passed. Finding this photo and my grandmother’s diary changed the course of my family’s legacy. It taught me the significance of family history and getting organized, and the impact that legacy planning has on families.

So, what is a legacy? It’s the stories and the belongings you leave behind for your family, friends, and community. It is a combination of decisions you have made in the past, but it is also affected by what you do today. With the right preparation, your legacy can be sculpted into whatever work of art you want it to be.

Legacy Planning

When you visit Organized Legacy, you find the tools you need for successful legacy planning. I help you leave a lasting legacy for yourself and your loved ones by giving you the best information to prepare for the future. Navigating this transition alone can be stressful and complicated, but with guidance for legacy preservation, you can face the unexpected and inevitable with peace of mind. 

The conversations at Organized Legacy are designed to guide you through the planning process to prepare you and your loved ones for life’s tough transitions. Each post contains steps or suggestions that can make this journey easier. If you need to know how to get your affairs in order or organize your digital legacy, I can help. If you need inspiration on how to have that difficult talk about end-of-life planning, I can help with that, too. 

And at Organized Legacy, we are all friends. I share with you my own personal experiences so you know that I have walked a similar path and empathize with what you are experiencing. Every conversation I post is to inspire, encourage, and inform you so that you and your loved ones leave your best legacy for future generations.

Documenting Family History

When designing your legacy blueprint, keep in mind that the stories you leave behind are just as much a part of your family’s history as Grandpa’s rocking chair or Uncle Dan’s pocket watch. They are valuable, and if they are not shared, they will disappear, along with the cherished memories they represent.

So, let’s talk about how family history can be a part of your legacy. A great way to document your family history is by creating a life story. Suggestions on how to produce one can be found in my post. Photographs, personal papers like letters and poems, as well as recordings can all be powerful storytellers for your legacy. 

The discovery of my Grandmother’s diary taught me the life-changing significance of documenting and sharing family history. Learning her story inspired me to help others preserve their history and leave a lasting legacy for their loved ones. If you preserve your story for your family, you give them the gift of identity that can only come from you.

Legacy and Estate Organization

Some of the most important tools you need in legacy planning involve organization. In Legacy Organizing 101, I offer practical tips to help you declutter and make things easier for your loved ones. The story involves my Grandma’s handwritten system – but don’t worry – I have more modern methods for you to adopt today!

But here’s the thing – don’t wait. If there is one thing I have learned, it’s that you don’t know if there is really time. You can read in my post about my Dad and how quickly our time together went. I am so grateful for the talk he and I had around the kitchen table, and I hope you will take the time now to prepare your family, too.

I hope you join me in talking about legacy matters. The tips I offer are designed to give you peace of mind about your future and that of your family. I hope you are inspired by the heartfelt stories and begin the journey to creating a lasting legacy. 

To learn more about the story behind Organized Legacy and join the conversation, please visit


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